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How to Build a Succesful Pitch – Presentation and Q&A with Jacopo Losso


Key content to include and how to make your company attractive to investors

For this webinar, we are very happy to present Jacopo Losso, director of EBAN, the leading network for business angels across Europe. Having worked as the EBAN director for over 5 years, Jacopo possesses an outstanding knowledge of the European investment ecosystem. By working closely with business angels seeking investment opportunities in start-ups, Jacopo knows exactly what it takes for a company to successfully pitch to an investor. Now, he is willing to share the tips and secrets of what investors really want to see in pitches when analysing investment opportunities. As well as his experience working alongside investors, Jacopo holds a master’s degree in Business Administration and Management, as well as a degree in management with a background in finance and accounting from the Università Commerciale ‘Luigi Bocconi’. We are delighted that he can offer his technical expertise and experience to offer insights on how to successfully pitch to investors.


  • How to tailor your pitch to your audience
  • How to perform a convincing pitch: visual story and delivery
  • Dynamic Q&A session where Jacopo will answer your questions on the art of pitching


European SMEs, start-ups, and innovators from across the EU, who may be at any stage of the funding cycle seeking practical tips on how to build a successful pitch.


11:00 – 11:05 Introduction to InnoRate, the webinar structure and our expert Jacopo Losso
11:05 – 11:10 Presentation of the InnoRate platform  
11:10 – 11:40 Presentation on how to create and deliver a compelling investor pitch
11:40 – 11: 55 Interactive Q&A session
11:55 – 12:00 Closing remarks 
If you are interested in learning more about InnoRate and our platform but also the art of pitching, please register here.  


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