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B2B Health Innovation Market 2020


Comienzo: el martes, 15 de septiembre de 2020 a las 09:00
Finaliza: el jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2020 a las 19:00

CEC/CCIC – Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Centro Region (Portugal) and ANI -Portuguese National Innovation Agency, with the support of EEN - Enterprise Europe Network , in collaboration with the Health Cluster Portugal (HCP) are promoting a matchmaking event to be held virtually on September 15th, 16th and 17th 2020.

  • Data use, integration and sharing in healthcare.
  • Smart(er) Integrated healthcare.
  • Smart(er) healthier Ageing.
  • Healthcare information and management systems.


Participants will have the opportunity to meet bilaterally in pre-arranged 20 minutes talks in order to:

  • Identify potential partners for R&D projects and technology transfer
  • Explore opportunities to expand business and to commercialise new products
  • Exchange best practices and knowledge on innovative healthcare services, policy and funding models and instruments.


  • Publish and showcase your products, projects, services or business needs to event participants
  • Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled 1:1 meetings at the event
  • Generate fresh leads and meet new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way
  • Stay one step ahead of your competitors by being seen and visibly present at the event


This event will take place in the framework of the Portuguese Health Cluster’s Innovation Conference: “Smart(er) Health - Towards needs-oriented innovation in healthcare”.

The conference will take place on the 15th of September at the University of Coimbra, Portugal and will be broadcasted virtually.

The event will bring together around 100 participants from highly specialised medical and health companies from all over Europe.


Participation at the main Conference and B2B is free of charge, but registrations at both events are independent and mandatory!

Deadline until 14th September 2020.

For more information and registration please see:




SEIMED Enterprise European Network
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