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3 of the 12 finalists of the Innovative Women Award 2018 are Spanish

Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
lunes, 26 de marzo de 2018 a las 17:19

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Finalistas mujeres innovadoras

Finalistas mujeres innovadoras

Europe urgently needs more innovators to stay competitive in the coming decades and to spur economic growth. Women are underrepresented in terms of creating innovative enterprises. This is an untapped potential for Europe, which needs to optimise all available resources to remain competitive and find solutions to our societal challenges.

That is why the Commission created a Prize for Women Innovators in 2011 to increase public awareness of this issue and to encourage women innovators to exploit the commercial and business opportunities and become entrepreneurs.

Three of the twelve finalists who chose the Innovative Women Award are Spanish:


Alicia ASIN PEREZ (ES) is the co-founder and CEO of Libelium a leading Spanish company in the hardware solutions market for the Internet of Things. Libelium's intelligent sensor technology allows users to monitor any object or environment, and to send this information in real time wirelessly to the Internet. It means that it allows "things" to communicate with the Internet.

Maria-Pau GINEBRA (ES) is the co-founder and President of Mimetis, a spin-off company from the Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering research group of the Technical University of Catalonia (BBT-UPC). Mimetis is a company able to design and manufacture a new generation of disruptive synthetic biomaterials that outperform existing solutions: for example the first biomimetic biomaterial for bone regeneration, for dental, cranio-maxillofacial and orthopaedic applications.

María Luisa HERNÁNDEZ LATORRE (ES) is the co-Founder and CEO of Ingelia  a technology-based company situated in Valencia (Spain). Ingelia develops sustainable projects, based on using local resources through an innovative process of hydrothermal carbonization of biomass (HTC process) which has been industrially developed by Ingelia. Ingelia. This allows the transformation of organic waste into carbon materials for other applications in the bioindustry.

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