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Smart Agrifood Summit

Smart Agrifood Summit

Comienzo: el miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018 a las 09:00
Finaliza: el viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018 a las 13:00



Palacio de Ferias y Congresos

Avda. José Ortega y Gasset, 201

Málaga (Málaga)

Google Calendar

It is a pleasure to introduce you Smart Agrifood Summit, the leading event of innovative ecosystems in the European Agri-food sector; that will be held in the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Málaga (FYCMA), organized by European Foundation for the Innovation and Application of Technology (INTEC) and FYCMA, from March 14th to 16th, 2018.

This global event for the promotion of entrepreneurship and digital innovation in the field of technologies was born to add value to the agri-food chain. The value of this sector is about 3,801 million dollars and is growing around 30% annually.

This activity is supported and promoted by the EU Startup Europe initiative from DG Connect of the European Commission, the Spanish Government and the Spanish Regional Government of Andalucía. 

 Smart Agrifood Summit takes place in one day and a half, where start-ups from all around the world, international speakers, institutions, public bodies and the main companies of the agri-food sector will be sharing technology trends and main defies.

 Smart Agrifood Summit is our commitment to the agriculture digital transformation; in this transformation the activity of start-ups is fast-growing in Europe. Therefore, start-ups and consolidated companies in the Agriculture and Food innovation sector will be the main protagonists of Smart Agrifood Summit, an event designed to transform the production process that goes from field to fork.

Smart Agrifood Summit participants can make contacts, acquire knowledge, present projects, seek financing and find business opportunities.

More information at smartagrifoodsummit.com


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