
Escuela de arroces y paella Valenciana | Paella School

Centro Educativo - Otros servicios de alimentación propios de la restauración

Valencia (Valencia) España

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Our main goal is to make you enjoy the experience of cooking an authentic Paella in good company. We have Valencian Paella, Seafood Paella and Vegetables Paella courses. Book your course!

paella, paella school, cocina, emprendedores, valencia, formación

Encuentranos en:

Calle Obispo Don Jerónimo 8 bajo
Valencia (Valencia) España



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Hacer paella de verduras en casa

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Hacer paella de verduras en casa 

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Which wine to drink with paella?

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Which wine to drink with paella? 

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The best rice to cook Paella

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The best rice to cook Paella 

Paella is one of the most representative dishes of Spanish cuisine, with rice as its main ingredient. There are at least 100,000 varieties of rice in the world, each indicated for a specific use and specific dishes. The importance of choosing the right rice is that depending on what you...


False myths about paella

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False myths about paella 

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Curiosities when cooking Paella Valenciana

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Curiosities when cooking Paella Valenciana 

The Paella is, above all, a social act in which family or friends meet, usually on Sundays, around a fire. Thus, if a suitable place is available, outdoors, with space for firewood and fireplace (paellero), this social act takes on a celebration character. If it is cooked in “paellero”,...


Types of paella you can cook in our Paella School

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Types of paella you can cook in our Paella School 

Paella is internationally recognized as one of the typical dishes of Spanish cuisine and more specifically of Valencian cuisine. When someone comes to visit Valencia, it tends to look for places where to eat this dish. Abroad there is a wrong idea of what a real paella is, being very...



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